About Us
The TJ Ryan Foundation is Queensland’s only progressive think tank. We aim to contribute a progressive voice to the policy debate in Queensland and promote evidence-based policy by providing access to our own research as well as curated materials from other reputable sources.
The Foundation was established during the conservative Newman Government to provide policy support for the labour movement’s successful fight against privatisation and cuts to social services.
Operated entirely by volunteers, we are supported by 120+ researchers and board members, all of whom are academics or policy experts, predominantly from universities, many with experience in public service.
Our aims as expressed in our constitution are:
- to stimulate debate on issues in Queensland public administration, including effective resource allocation, service delivery, governance and accountability;
- to review policy directions of current and past State governments concerning economic, social and cultural issues and to analyse options for future decision-makers;
- to undertake research into contemporary social attitudes and views within Queensland, particularly as they affect public policy choices.
Evidence-Based Policy Resource for Queensland
Our Foundation is on a mission to improve the lives of Queenslanders by ensuring that policy makers and the public have access to the latest research and evidence-based policy information from Australia’s leading public policy researchers. We hope that our readers will include members of the general public interested in Queensland affairs, public servants and those working as advisers to government and non-government agencies, journalists, and students.
We have received feedback that the site is already valuable as a teaching resource for students at secondary and tertiary level. Over time, the website is also becoming an archive – a historical resource to supplement those developed by the University of Queensland and the State Library of Queensland.
If you’d like to get updates in your inbox about our latest research, events and publications, sign up to our newsletter or come along to one of our upcoming events.
The Foundation is operated entirely by volunteers, with over 120+ contributing researchers and board members. Should any TJRyan research project be funded by an individual or organisation the source of funding will be stated beside the research report. In all other cases contributions are provided on a pro bono basis.