Dr Tracey Arklay BCom PhD | Research Fellow
Griffith University | 07 3735 4271
t.arklay@griffith.edu.au |
Dean Ashenden | Honorary Senior Fellow
University of Melbourne | 03 9329 1643
deanash10@gmail.com |
Dr Sally Babidge | Senior Lecturer
University of Queensland | 07 3365 3286
s.babidge@uq.edu.au |
Mr Trevor David Berrill | Technical Director
TREVolution | 0400 177 283
tberrill@powerup.com.au |
Emeritus Professor Paul Boreham BEcon PhD | Emeritus Professor
University of Queensland |
p.boreham@uq.edu.au |
Professor David Brereton PhD | Deputy Director of Research Integration
University of Queensland | 07 3346 4204
davidbrere@gmail.com |
Peter Bridgman BA (Hons), LLB (Hons) | Consultant, Barrister
| 0400 355 077
peter.bridgman@decisiveconsultants.com.au |
Professor A J Brown LLB PhD | Professor of Public Policy and Law
Griffith University | 07 3735 3986
a.j.brown@griffith.edu.au |
Professor Laurie Buys PhD | Director
University of Queensland | 07 3443 2551
l.buys@uq.edu.au |
Mr Clem Campbell OAM | Adjunct Research Officer
Griffith University | 0413 051 679
clemcampbell@iinet.net.au |
Professor Kerry Carrington PhD | Head of School
Queensland University of Technology | 07 3138 7112
kerry.carrington@qut.edu.au |
Michael Clifford | Assistant General Secretary
Queensland Council of Unions |
michaelc@qcu.asn.au |
Emeritus Professor Tom Cochrane AM MPhil | Adjunct Professor
Queensland University of Technology | 0414 632 560
t.cochrane@qut.edu.au |
Professor Hal K Colebatch | Professorial Visiting Fellow
University of New South Wales | 03 9385 2305
h.colebatch@unsw.edu.au |
Dr Linda Colley | Senior Lecturer
Central Queensland University | (07) 3295 1133
l.colley@cqu.edu.au |
Dr Libby Connors PhD | Senior Lecturer
University of Southern Queensland | 07 4631 1048
libby.connors@usq.edu.au |
Ms Julie Cork BEd MPhil | Consultant
| 07 3856 3998
julie@juliecorkandassociates.com |
Dr Mary Crawford AM DipEd PhD | Visiting Scholar
Queensland University of Technology | 07 3138 5251
m.crawford@qut.edu.au |
Adjunct Professor Andrew Crowden | Adjunct Professor
University of Queensland | 07 3365 2620
a.crowden@uq.edu.au |
Professor John Diamond BEd MA PhD | Professor
Edge Hill University | diamondj@edgehill.ac.uk
diamondj@edgehill.ac.uk |
Claudio Dionigi | Librarian
Charles Sturt University | 02 6338 6163
cdionigi@csu.edu.au |
Dr Heather Douglas PhD | Industry Fellow
University of Queensland |
hdouglas21@gmail.com |
Professor Heather Douglas MA BLaws MLaws PhD | Deputy Dean (Research)
University of Queensland | 07 3365 6605
h.douglas@law.uq.edu.au |
Associate Professor Geoff Dow BEcon PhD | Reader in Political Economy and Political Science
The University of Queensland | 07 3365 3103
geoff.dow@uq.edu.au |
Dr Geoff Edwards B.Sc.(Hons), M.Pub.Ad., PhD | Adjunct Research Fellow
Centre for Governance and Public Policy | 0488 505 887
policylocums@brisnet.com.au |