
Our Research Associates include a large panel of academic researchers with expertise in diverse areas of public policy, drawn from across several universities in Queensland and beyond. Many researchers also have significant experience inside the public service. 

These experts can offer an additional source of policy advice for those developing or commenting on public policy in Queensland. All members, their research fields, and their contact details, are listed below. 

NameDr Geoff Edwards B.Sc.(Hons), M.Pub.Ad., PhD
PositionAdjunct Research Fellow
Organisation/CompanyCentre for Governance and Public Policy
Specialisations / Bio


  • the preconditions of economic prosperity – grand projects or public institutions, the debilitating effects of free trade for national prosperity;
  • growing complexity in society;
  • the environmental limits to economic growth;
  • and exploring the value of "public interest" and “national interest” as benchmarks in public affairs.

Dr Edwards’ first degree was in ecological science (Monash). He worked in national parks and Crown land administration before managing Melbourne's metropolitan parks system and then the parks and sports grounds of Port Moresby, Papua New Guinea. In the 1980s he was also a local government Councillor (six years) and Shire President in the Dandenong Ranges in Victoria. From 1991-2006 he served in Queensland's Department of Lands/Natural Resources as Manager, Land and Regional Planning, responsible for policy on issues such as planning for the leasehold estate, property rights and SEQ’s regional open space system.

He retired from the Queensland public service in 2011. In June 2013 he was elected President of the Royal Society of Queensland.

Phone0488 505 887
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