Event: The Future of Corruption – The Fitzgerald Report 30 years on

“The Fitzgerald Inquiry had huge consequences for Queensland and indeed the nation by not only its outcome but the methods it used and the precedents it set in dealing with official corruption.”

If the quality of our government and our democracy is important to you, this is an event you won’t want to miss! Before a live audience in Brisbane, a panel of experts, moderated by Paul Barclay (from ABC’s “Big Ideas”), will reflect on the importance of the Fitzgerald Report, where corruption is today, and what still needs to be done to thwart it.

Panellists include: Professor A.J. Brown (Griffith University), Mr Matthew Condon OAM (Author and Griffith University), Ms Kate Griffith (Grattan Institute), Mr Llew O’Brien MP (Liberal National Party, Federal member for Wide Bay), and Associate Professor Margaret Simons (Monash University).

The event is co-hosted by Griffith University’s School of Government and International Relations, the International Society for the Reform of Criminal Law, and DamnFineMedia, and will be recorded and broadcast nationally on ABC’s Big Ideas program.

The event will take place at the Ian Hanger Recital Hall, Queensland Conservatorium, Griffith University South Bank campus on Wednesday, 10 July 2019, from 6PM – 9PM.

Ticket cost: $15 Student/Concession; $20 Waged.

For full details and to register, see the event page linked below.

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