Labor’s first test: putting integrity before politics in Queensland

Professor A J Brown writes in the Brisbane Times (13.2.15), just as confirmation came through that Labor would form the next Queensland Government:

‘On February 9, Labor’s law and justice spokesperson, Yvette D’Ath, spoke at the Accountability and the Law conference in Brisbane. She pledged again to restore the corruption prevention function of the QCCC and to revisit rules requiring statutory declarations for many corruption allegations, both part of controversial corruption reforms pushed through in 2014 by the Liberal National government.

‘D’Ath was also spot on when observing that citizens want political parties to be on a “unity ticket” when it comes to accountability.

‘Here lies the first and biggest challenge for the new Labor government: how is it going to lead all parties, including its LNP opponents, to restore Queensland’s once famous but now battered public integrity system?’

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