Member for Cook, Billy Gordon MP, crisis for Palaszczuk

Amy Remeikis report on the sacking of Billy Gordon MP, Brisbane Times (30.3.15):

‘The Palaszczuk Government is in crisis after the Premier was forced to sack one of her MPs for failing to disclose his criminal history to the party – bringing her two-month old minority administration to the brink.

‘Ms Palaszczuk ordered the state executive to expel Cook MP Billy Gordon from the party on Sunday after discovering he had been “dishonest” with her. 

‘She also advised Mr Gordon to resign from parliament, which would leave Labor in danger of falling one seat short of a parliamentary majority – Labor won 44 seats, including Cook, while the LNP claimed victory in 42. Independent MP Peter Wellington committed his support to Labor, giving Ms Palaszczuk the majority in the 89-seat parliament she needed to lead.’ 

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