Palaszczuk government to introduce developer donation ban

Stuart Layt reports in the Brisbane Times (5.3.18) on the Palaszczuk Government’s intention to push through legislation in Queensland’s Parliament which would ban political donations by property developers.

‘Laws to ban property developers making donations to political parties will be reintroduced to Queensland Parliament this week.

‘The state Labor government introduced the legislation to Parliament late last year but did not get the laws passed before the November 25 election.

‘The legislation, which will apply retrospectively to last year’s campaign, now needs to be reintroduced.

‘Premier Annastacia Palaszczuk on Monday confirmed the laws would be raised at this week’s sitting of Parliament, after suggesting in January they might not be introduced until later in the year.

‘”We were always going to do this, it was a commitment I gave to the people of this state,” Ms Palaszczuk told reporters.

‘The LNP opposition has flagged a potential legal challenge to the changes. Queensland LNP President Gary Spence would have to resign under the laws which lapsed last year, because he is technically a developer for the purpose of the legislation.’

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