Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (16.5.16) on a review ordered into the state’s legal indemnity guidelines for Cabinet Ministers, after details emerged of a government payout from a case involving the former Premier and Attorney-General.
‘The Premier has ordered a review of legal indemnity guidelines for ministers after taxpayers reportedly bore the brunt of a settlement worth more than $500,000 against Campbell Newman and Jarrod Bleijie over comments they made while in government.
‘The Guardian reported the former Premier and Attorney-General settled the case brought against them by Gold Coast lawyers after they referred to them as part of the “criminal gang machine”, for $525,000.
‘It reportedly could have been less, but the pair refused to make a public apology as part of the settlement.
‘Under government guidelines, ministers are protected from having to pay the costs themselves and the money is paid from taxpayer funds.’