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Qld cops in firing line as Fitzgerald hands down report into CCC

Cloe Read and Sean Parnell report in the Brisbane Times (9.8.22) on the release of Tony Fitzgerald and Alan Wilson’s report of their inquiry into the operations of the Crime and Corruption Commission.

‘Corruption fighter Tony Fitzgerald QC has handed down 32 recommendations to fix systemic issues within the Crime and Corruption Commission, including the need for investigators to seek legal advice before laying charges, and strategies to reduce the “risks” of having police officers seconded to CCC cases.

‘Under the recommendations, handed down by Fitzgerald and fellow former judge Alan Wilson QC following a commission of inquiry into the state’s corruption watchdog, CCC officers would need to seek advice from the Director of Public Prosecutions before pressing charges.

‘The number of civilians on the watchdog’s team would also be boosted to combat police officers potentially influencing cases.

‘The commission of inquiry, with the powers of a royal commission, was announced as part of the Palaszczuk government’s response to a damning report into the CCC’s handling of the Logan council case.

‘The inquiry was set up to consider the structure of the CCC – which the report from the 1989 Fitzgerald Inquiry helped establish – and the power such a body should have.’

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