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Strength of organisational whistleblowing processes: analysis from Australia

Policy Online carries a link (3.5.17) to a report from Griffith University’s Centre for Governance and Public Policy, co-authored by TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, A.J. Brown. Among its findings, the report’s data shows that Queensland’s public sector has one of the nation’s highest-ranked whistleblower protection processes.

‘This report presents the first stage of a new measure of the strength of organisational processes for responding to staff wrongdoing concerns, based on responses to the Survey of Organisational Processes and Procedures conducted in 2016 by Whistling While They Work 2: Improving managerial responses to whistleblowing in public and private sector organisations.

‘The analysis uses results from five questions to create a scale measure (expressed as a score out of 10) of strength of processes reported for 699 organisations, across 19 sector/jurisdiction groups.

‘… The five sub-scales measure relative strength of processes for incident reporting and tracking; whether there is an active support strategy for staff who raise concerns; whether there are risk assessment processes for anticipating and preventing detrimental actions or reprisals; whether there are dedicated supports or only generalised supports for staff who report; and strength of processes for remediation of detrimental impacts or reprisals, if they occur.’

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