Overhaul of Queensland laws will legalise same-sex adoption

Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (6.8.16) on planned changes to Queensland’s adoption laws to allow same-sex couples the right to adopt children, bringing the state into line with most other jurisdictions in the country.

‘After years of inaction, Queensland is finally moving to legalise same-sex adoption.

‘As part of a planned overhaul of the state’s adoption laws, which were last reviewed under a Labor government in 2009, the Palaszczuk Labor Government will introduce legislation this month which will allow singles, same-sex couples and couples undergoing IVF the right to adopt children.

‘Queensland is one of the last Australian jurisdictions to move forward with these reforms, with New South Wales, Victoria, the ACT and Western Australia already having made changes.

‘”It is about time that Queensland caught up with other Australian states and territories to allow same sex couples to adopt children in Queensland,” Communities Minister Shannon Fentiman said.’

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