Abortion in Queensland: Deputy premier supports Rob Pyne’s push to decriminalise

Amy Remeikis repoirts in the Brisbane Times (10.5.16) on independent Cairns MP, Rob Pyne’s private member’s bill to decriminalise abortion, introduced into state parliament today. Both major parties have agreed that their MPs will be allowed a conscience vote on the bill if it proceeds to a second reading after committee deliberations.

‘Abortion is heading back to the Queensland Parliament agenda, with independent MP Rob Pyne hoping to bring Queensland into line with almost every other state in decriminalising abortion.

‘The bill’s intention has a strong ally in the state’s deputy premier.

‘Jackie Trad said she was “absolutely pro-choice” when it came to abortion being a matter for a woman to determine, in consultation with medical professionals.

‘She said it was time for Queensland’s parliamentary law  “to catch up with legal precedent and treat pregnancy termination as a health issue, not a criminal issue”.’

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