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Favouritism in allocation of boot camp contract by LNP?

Amy Remeikis reports in the Brisbane Times (9.4.15) on the Auditor-General’s recent report on the procurement of boot camps:

‘Newman Government Attorney-General Jarrod Bleijie’s decision to over-rule his department’s recommendations for boot camp operators and instead award the multi-million contract to a company of his own choice not only cost the state extra money, it “weakened” accountability, failed in transparency and was open “to accusations of favouritism”.

‘In his 13th report for the 2014-15 financial year, Auditor-General Andrew Greaves also found that those accusations of favouritism “cannot be readily rebutted” because Mr Bleijie and his staff were unable to provide a “clear documentation trail” which led to the decision to award Beyond Billabong the $2.2 million contract despite other proven operators offering a more cost-effective service.

‘Mr Greaves found Mr Bleijie’s decisions for the Fraser Coast and Lincoln Springs boot camps “does not demonstrate that economy in procurement was achieved”.

‘”The evidence indicates that suitable, lower cost service providers were available,” the Auditor-General reported.

‘”The lack of any other evidence to support the final position taken for these boot camps, itself a failure to adhere to the government’s own documentations standards, serves to weaken accountability for these decisions.’

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