The Queensland Government is planning to amend the liquor licensing laws in order to reduce the level of violence in areas such as Fortitude Valley in Brisbane.
Several studies have been carried out in areas where lockout and other provisions have been introduced, including:
- a comprehensive comparative study of Newcastle and Geelong Dealing with alcohol-related harm and the night-time economy funded by the National Drug Law Enforcement Research Fund;
- an Australian Bureau of Statistics research project to determine whether the January 2014 reforms to the NSW Liquor Act reduced the incidence of assault in the Kings Cross and Sydney CBD Entertainment Precincts.
These studies demonstrate the impact alcohol restrictions have on alcohol- fuelled ssault rates
- NDLERF report: Dealing with alcohol-related harm and the night-time economy »
- NSW Bureau of Crime Statistics and Research: ‘Lockouts and last drinks’ »
- Earlier pub closing times key to reducing alcohol-fuelled assaults »
- Labor buys time to win support for liquor lockouts »
- Queensland Government plan to reduce alcohol-related violence »
- Queensland to get strictest liquor laws in Australia? »
- Billy Gordon – lock-out laws don’t benefit North Queensland »