Mobile women-only police stations to prevent domestic violence, expert says

Amy Mitchell-Whittington reports in the Brisbane Times (5.3.16) about a leading criminologist’s proposal to establish mobile, women-only police stations in rural and outback areas of Queensland to better support victims of domestic violence and abuse.

‘A “one-stop shop” that addresses the causes of domestic violence and provides support could be the best way to prevent the deaths of women at the hands of their partners, a Brisbane criminology expert says.

‘Head of QUT’s School of Justice Professor Kerry Carrington has suggested mobile women-only police stations in Australia’s rural and remote towns to address the causes and prevent violence against women.

‘Her suggestion comes from her studies of successful women-only police stations in Latin America.

‘”Unlike the hard, steely seat of the grey waiting areas of dimly lit police stations, domestic violence police stations or units would reduce the stigma and discomfort of reporting abuse, enhance victims’ access to justice and reduce the lethality of domestic violence,” Professor Carrington said.’

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