Police claims bikie violence eliminated at odds with their website

Joshua Robertson reports in The Guardian Australia (10.3.16) on Queensland Police claims that there have been no incidents of bikie violence since anti-gang laws were introduced under the Newman Government. In a submission to the Wilson Review of the laws, TJ Ryan Foundation research associate, Terry Goldsworthy, points out that the QPS website shows that there have in fact been several reported incidents of such violence in this time.

‘The Queensland police service’s records shoot holes in its claim that controversial gang laws have eliminated public displays of bikie violence, a key critic of the laws has told a government review.

‘The police service has cited a series of alleged murders, drive-by shootings, arsons, bashings and mass brawls involving bikies in Queensland before the laws were introduced in 2013, saying it was “not aware of any acts of violence of this nature” since.

‘Its submission to the Wilson taskforce into organised crime also detailed allegations of bikie violence, from murders to pub bashings, in New South Wales and Victoria, saying “other jurisdictions that do not have the benefit of legislation similar to Queensland continue to experience this type of violent activity”.

‘But the detective turned criminologist Terry Goldsworthy, in a new submission to the review, says a “cursory search” of the Queensland police website and its press releases report 16 violent incidents involving alleged bikies in Queensland under the laws.’

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