Queensland law should reflect public support for abortion

Hugh Harris comments in the Brisbane Times (7.4.16) on the ‘archaic’ nature of Queensland’s abortion laws, which regard seeking a pregnancy termination as a criminal offence. This comes after Independent Cairns MP, Rob Pyne, indicated he would present a private member’s bill in state parliament to reverse this situation.

‘Nearly one in three women has an abortion at some time in their life. It’s hard to believe but terminating a pregnancy remains a criminal offence in Queensland. Consider some other way this glaring contradiction could be reconciled other than a smack down for 21st century women.

‘Let’s face it: if men bore children, ending unwanted pregnancies would’ve been legal long ago, even in the sunny land of Sir Joh, don’t you worry about that.

‘Thankfully someone is doing something about it. The ex-ALP Independent Member for Cairns, Rob Pyne, has pledged to draft a private member’s Bill to legalise abortion.’

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