The ABC’s Gail Burke reports (30.11.16) on the Palaszczuk Government’s successful passage of its organised crime laws through the state’s Parliament, amending the previous Newman Government’s ill-fated VLAD laws.
‘The Palaszczuk Government has passed one of its key legislative priorities, overhauling the state’s organised crime laws and scrapping many of the former government’s controversial bikie measures.
‘State Parliament passed the Serious and Organised Crime Legislation Amendment Bill last night with the help of Katter’s Australian Party (KAP) MPs.
‘While outlaw motorcycle gangs will still be targeted, the bill also covers other organised crime including child exploitation rings, fraudulent boiler room operations and drug trafficking.
‘The bill extends the banning of outlaw motorcycle club members wearing their club colours to all public places, not to just licenced premises, as was dictated under the LNP laws.
‘They replace existing anti-association provisions with a new consorting offence, making it illegal for a person to consort with two or more convicted offenders after being warned by police not to do so.’