What an unintelligent furore about the bikie laws inquiry

John Harrison has taken the Opposition and some members of the QPS to task over their premature responses on the review of the bikie laws (see link below): ‘… despite all the huffing and puffing from the Opposition, some cops, and some media outlets, very little will change. For three reasons. First, the Attorney-General is a safe pair of hands. Her handling of several hot potatoes, such as the appointment  of a new Chief Justice, and the lockout laws, shows an unruffled calmness. Moreover, she will not be rushed by the 24-hour news cycle.’

Indeed, John has written an article we were about to try to write ourselves, though he has done it better.  Two additional points are:

  • the utter stupidity of claiming that the fact that some submissions to the Inquiry into the bikie laws were secret is evidence of some kind of conspiracy. OF COURSE they are likely to receive submissions that should remain confidential.  
  • Former Premier Newman saying that because one of the Yandina five has been convicted of drug offences the bikie laws were needed. Lots of people have been convicted for drug offences under existing legislation.  It is the people drinking with the offender whose supposed misdemeanour fell under the controversial bikie legislation’s consorting provisions, and whose civil liberties were infringed.
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