Book launch: ‘Fair Share – Competing Claims and Australia’s Economic Future’

The University of Queensland’s School of Political Science and International Studies is staging an event to launch the new publication, ‘Fair Share – Competing Claims and Australia’s Economic Future’, by UQ’s Professor Stephen Bell and ANU’s Dr Michael Keating. The book will be launched with an address from former Prime Minister and Treasurer, Hon. Paul Keating.

‘The bookco-authored by Professor Stephen Bell, from UQ’s School of Political Science and International Studies, and Dr Michael Keating AC, former Secretary of the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet (1991-1996), examines the urgent economic challenges Australia now confronts and critically assesses the country’s political capacity to effectively address these challenges.’

Registration for this event is essential, as RSVPs will not be accepted once the venue’s capacity is reached. See full details below, including the link to register for the event.

Date and time: Wednesday, 14 March 2018, 5.45pm for 6.15pm start, finishing at 8pm.
Venue: The Long Room, Customs House, 399 Queen St, Brisbane.
Event format: Book launch with speech by former PM Paul Keating, followed by drinks/reception from 7pm.
Registration: Essential – follow this link. Registration closes Friday, 9 March.
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