Clive Palmer’s Queensland Nickel workers told Friday will be their last day

Amy Remeikis and Brian Robins report in the Brisbane Times (10.3.16) on the announcement that Clive Palmer’s Yabulu nickel refinary will close in 24 hours, after the company that Mr Palmer had used to resume management of the refinery was found to not have the proper licencing to do so.

‘The majority of Queensland Nickel employees have been sacked, with administrators alerting the workforce Friday will be their last day.

‘As one of the north Queensland’s largest employers the news will shatter the Townsville community, which relied on the Clive Palmer-owned refinery for both primary employment and the flow-on effect to the local economy.

‘In a statement, voluntary administrators FTI Consulting said it received notice on March 7 that Queensland Nickel Sales Pty Ltd, also owned by Mr Palmer, would replace Queensland Nickel Pty Ltd as manager of the Yabulu Refinery with “immediate effect”.

‘”As a result the administrators no longer have operational or management control of the Yabulu Refinery,” the statement read.

‘The administrators said there was a possibility workers could be offered jobs by the new management, but there were no guarantees.’

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