CommSec State of the States report highlights Queensland population growth

Jorge Branco reports in the Brisbane Times (24.10.16) on the release of the latest CommSec ‘State of the States’ report, which again highlights the Queensland economy struggling to make ground in key economic indicators compared to the other states and territories.

‘Population growth is a new bright spot for the Queensland economy amidst another rough national report card placing the state in second last place.

‘In a continuation of the status quo, new homes propped up the Queensland economy as economic growth all but stalled in the latest CommSec State of the States report, prompting criticism from the Opposition.

‘Queensland remained in sixth place overall while managing a second placing on housing starts and 10 per cent below the trend average on construction.

‘But the state leapt to third overall on population growth, as noted by CommSec chief economist Craig James.

‘”Queensland is second strongest on dwelling starts and population growth is the fastest in 15 months,” Mr James said. “Both tourism and agricultural exports will provide momentum in coming months and higher coal prices are encouraging.”

‘Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt restated the government’s position that the report’s methodology didn’t give an accurate picture.

‘He said the former mining boom skewed the “normal” growth against which the state’s performance was measured.’

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