Event: 2019 Keith Hancock Lecture – The Future of Work

On Wednesday, 22 May 2019, TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, Professor John Quiggin, will present his 2019 Keith Hancock Lecture on ‘The Future of Work’. The public lecture will take place in Room 116 of the Sir Llew Edwards Building at the University of Queensland’s St Lucia campus, commencing at 6PM. See the links below for more event details and registration.

‘The outcomes of technological change are affected by the interaction of changes in the regulation of labour markets and the stance of public policy. For the last 40 years, changes in labour market regulation have been almost uniformly anti-union and anti-worker, while public policy has been premised on the desirability of reducing wages.

‘Until and unless the stance of public policy changes, technological change will be experienced by workers as harmful disruption. Used in a socially desirable way, however, technological change offers the potential for a radical improvement in work-life balance.’

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