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Event: Could Universal Basic Income work in Australia?

On Monday, 20 July 2020, The Brisbane Dialogues is hosting its second major event, with an expert panel exploring the proposition of a Universal Basic Income in Australia.

‘Given the income support ‘cliff’ facing the nation in September, this is an opportunity to experience a genuine dialogue between people of very different perspectives. The challenge to the speakers is to emerge from a public discussion of this ‘utopian’ concept with some practical suggestions for improvements in Australia’s welfare system.’

MC for the ‘Big Dialogue’ event will be Kayci-lee Gillies, a graduate of Brisbane’s Aboriginal Centre for the Performing Arts. Speakers at the event, moderated by InQueensland business journalist Robert MacDonald, include:

  • Simon Cowan, Research Director, Centre for Independent Studies
  • Gigi Foster, Professor of Economics, University of New South Wales
  • John Humphreys, Economics Lecturer, University of Queensland and University of the Sunshine Coast
  • Greg Marston, Deputy Executive Dean, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, University of Queensland

The event will take place at The Tivoli in Brisbane’s Fortitude Valley, commencing at 7PM (doors open 6PM). For further details and to book tickets, visit the event registration page linked below. TJ Ryan Foundation subscribers and readers can claim a 10% discount off the admission price using the code TJRYAN.

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