Federal Budget 2018: a state-by-state spending analysis

TJ Ryan Foundation Research Associate, Chris Salisbury, and colleagues write in The Conversation (8.5.18) about how each state and territory fared in the 2018 federal budget in terms of big-spending announcements. Dr Salisbury focused in his analysis on Queensland-specific initiatives.

‘As expected, Scott Morrison’s third federal budget is big on pleasure and light on pain for Queenslanders. With a federal election due within a year, and given Queensland’s status as a battleground state, the temptation to splash the cash in the Sunshine State is strong.

‘Committing almost A$536 million (A$478 million of it new) over five years to improve the health of the Great Barrier Reef has been welcomed widely, although criticised in some conservation circles for supporting programs that don’t directly address the impacts of climate change.

‘The biggest smiles are reserved for proponents of infrastructure spending, especially to relieve commuter congestion, with A$5.2 billion newly earmarked for projects in Queensland.’

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