North Stradbroke Island sand mining job losses will not all be replaced by other industries, report finds

The ABC’s Stephanie Smail and Andrew Kos report (5.3.16) on an investigation into the future closure of sand mining operations on North Stradbroke Island, and the likelihood of significant job losses as a result.

‘An independent report into the closure of the Sibelco sand mine on North Stradbroke Island has found other industries will not replace all mining jobs in the “short to medium term”.

‘The Palaszczuk Labor Government wants sand mining to wrap up by 2019, which is eight years earlier than the former Newman LNP government had planned.

‘A Deloitte Access Economics analysis, commissioned by the State Government, found sand mining generated between $60 million and $80 million per year for the local economy and employed 95 island residents.

‘The report said the transition strategy would create up to 151 jobs across the construction, conservation, tourism and aged care sectors. But Deloitte conceded “these industries will not replace all mining jobs in the short to medium term”.’

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