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Queensland budget 2016: Treasurer Curtis Pitt aiming to maintain debt path

The ABC’s Nick Wiggins reports (12.6.16) on further details released ahead of the Palaszczuk government’s second budget, with Treasurer Curtis Pitt stressing his aim to maintain a ‘steady as she goes’ course regarding the state’s economy.

‘Queensland Treasurer Curtis Pitt says his second state budget will walk a fine line between managing the state’s finances and injecting funds for infrastructure in the regions.

‘But Mr Pitt said when it comes to debt, maintaining the current position is his aim.

‘Total government debt is forecast to increase to $79.7 billion at the end of the forward estimates in 2018/19, which was foreshadowed in the mid-year budget.

‘”If we’re able to maintain even those figures, considering the $4.7 billion dollars of write downs we are forecasting, that would be a good outcome,” Mr Pitt said.’

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