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Bullying linked to gender and sexuality often goes unchecked in schools

Victoria Rawlings writes in The Conversation (3.3.16) about some of the realities of sexuality-based bullying in schools, amid continuing debate and commentary regarding the Safe Schools program.

‘Over the past few weeks, proselytising and campaigning about the role of the Safe Schools Coalition has reached fever pitch.

‘While the program faces continuing malicious attacks from the right, many Australians have been thrust into a discussion that invokes the idea of “the gay agenda”, sexuality recruitment and indoctrination about sexuality and gender.

‘While social and psychological research wholeheartedly dismisses these claims, the voices that propagate them continue on without recognition of the broader aims and outcomes that the program legitimately addresses.

‘The Safe Schools Coalition doesn’t only supports students who are diverse in gender identity or sexuality. It supports everyone within the school environment, including teachers, principals and straight/cisgender students. Specifically, the program provides schools with crucial resources that disrupt violence and aggression based on gender and sexuality in schools.’

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