Give a Gonski? Funding myths and politicking derail schools debate

Glenn Savage (The Conversation, 9.7.15) considers a leaked discussion paper from the Department of the Prime Minister and Cabinet that advanced ‘radical ideas for reforming school funding’, and ‘rigorous review of school funding in Australia’ produced by the Australian Council for Educational Research released the previous week.

‘The Gonski report was a landmark moment in the history of Australian school funding and an unprecedented opportunity to develop an equitable funding model. He argues the case for revisiting the Gonski Report’s recommendations.

‘Unfortunately, the politics of distraction, fuelled by political leaders afraid to disrupt the status quo, has ensured the principles of Gonski remain unfulfilled.

‘It is time, therefore, to revisit the future proposed by Gonski and to stem the flow of bad ideas that are driving school funding into a political mess.’

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