Policy Online carries links (22.3.16 – 29.3.16) to a series of Benevolent Society briefing papers prepared by the Parenting Research Centre. Each paper identifies different positive outcomes from a variety of parenting intervention strategies and programs, aimed at supporting at risk children and vulnerable families as they prepare for children’s entry to the school system.
‘Parents and the family and home environment play a central role in the early learning and development of infants and children. A range of interventions exist to support parents and families, particularly in situations where the family is vulnerable and/or where the infant or child may be at risk of delays in learning or development. The first five years of life present a critical window of opportunity for learning and development and they lay the foundation for learning and readiness for school.’
- Supported playgroups for children from birth to five years »
- Interventions for parents and families: the evidence for improving social outcomes for children »
- Interventions for parents and families: the evidence for improving emotional outcomes for children »
- Interventions for parents and families: the evidence for improving physical health and wellbeing outcomes for children »
- Interventions for parents and families: the evidence for improving language, cognitive and communication outcomes for children »
- How physical activity in Australian schools can help prevent depression in young people »