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Queensland’s high school OP changes delayed a year

Felicity Caldwell reports in the Brisbane Times (18.10.16) on the government’s announcement of a delay to planned changes to Queensland’s high school curriculum and tertiary entrance system.

‘Major changes to Queensland’s education system that will see the OP score for high school graduates scrapped have been delayed by one year.

‘The plan, announced in March and to replace the overall position (OP) system with an Australian Tertiary Admission Rank (ATAR), would have taken effect after the graduating class of 2018 but will now be pushed back to 2019.

‘”I want what is best for Queensland students so I will take the advice of our key education stakeholders and won’t risk rushing this reform process,” Education Minister Kate Jones said on Tuesday.

‘The reforms to senior assessment and tertiary entrance will now begin with Year 11 students in 2019.

‘Ms Jones said today’s year 8 students would be the first to experience the new system, after she received advice from the Queensland Curriculum and Assessment Authority (QCAA) that they would require an extra 12 months to deliver the most significant changes to senior schooling in more than 40 years.’

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