Students struggle with digital skills because their teachers lack confidence

Amber McLeod and Kelly Carabott write in The Conversation (29.3.16) about the need for school teachers to receive more training in ICT skills if they are to effectively teach their students to be ‘digitally competent’.

‘Australian teenagers are increasingly struggling to achieve the basic level required in information and communications technology (ICT). In 2014, only around half (52%) of students in Year 10 achieved the minimum standard of digital competence.

‘Examples of where students struggled include: searching for relevant resources on the internet; using a web browser history; creating tables and charts; sorting data in a spreadsheet; displaying hidden toolbars; inserting images; changing font formats and colours; and using animations and page transitions effectively.

‘There is a risk that a large proportion of students may be left behind, at a time when digital competence is becoming central to future employment.’

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