TJRyan Foundation 3rd anniversary event

See the flyer below for details of the TJRyan Foundation’s third anniversary event being held at QUT’s Gardens Point campus on Tuesday, 14 February 2017. The flyer includes an email address to RSVP for attendance, by Monday 13 February.

This event is free to attend, although we would gratefully accept a small donation of $10 to help us cover event expenses. Attendees will receive a free, advance hard copy of the TJRyan Foundation’s new e-monograph, “Palaszczuk’s Second Year – An Overview of 2016”.

Also see the link below to a biography of Dr Ken Boston, our keynote speaker at the anniversary event.

What Gonski really meant, and how that’s been forgotten almost everywhere

Gonski Review panel member, and former NSW Director-­General of Education, Ken Boston, wrote in Inside Story (6.9.16) about how governments began watering down the Gonski school-funding recommendations “right from the start”.

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