The TJ Ryan Foundation, in conjunction with the Queensland Council of Unions and the Australian Council of Trade Unions, is pleased to present the Brisbane launch of ACTU Secretary Sally McManus’ new publication, ‘On Fairness’. The book poses the pressing question: “In the land of the ‘fair go’, what is the true cost of growing inequality?” Writer and Guardian Australia columnist, Van Badham, will join Sally in discussion of this and other pertinent questions.
The book launch will take place on Tuesday, 26 March 2019, at the Hotel West End, 10 Browning St, South Brisbane. Doors open at 5.30PM for a 6PM start, with finger food and some refreshments provided. This is a free event open to members of the public – see the event flyer below for details, and visit the event page linked below to RSVP.
Enthusiastic response to book launch
TJ Ryan Foundation Board member, Linda Colley, was MC for the launch of Sally McManus’ ‘On Fairness’, and describes the enthusiastic response of the large crowd in attendance (see photos following) at the March 26 event:
‘It was my pleasure to be the MC for our second TJ Ryan Foundation event for 2019. Uncle Bob Anderson delivered a stirring acknowledgement of Country. Then we heard from ACTU Secretary Sally McManus and social commentator Van Badham on the importance of fairness in the forthcoming election debates, and the ACTU’s ‘Change the Rules’ campaign. They each warned that continual changes to the Australian system left us in danger of mimicking the US situation, where full-time workers can live in poverty due to inadequate wages and job security.
‘Van then fielded a lively Q&A session from the audience, and people hung on Sally’s every word … so much so, that I decided to ‘change the rules’ and allow us to go over time. We also launched Sally’s book ‘On Fairness’, and Sally was extremely generous staying on to sign every last copy.
‘Around 140 people attended, including elected representatives such as the Hon. Wayne Swan MP and Senator Claire Moore, as well as Queensland Council of Unions (QCU) General Secretary Ros McLennan and many other union leaders, and TJ Ryan Foundation Board members (including myself, QCU Assistant Secretary Michael Clifford, Veronica Horgan and Linda Shields). We also enjoyed the delightful musical accompaniment from the quintet, Anemoi. We thank the QCU for their support for the event.’
Associate Professor Linda Colley