Inquiry into Fly In – Fly out employment and regional Queensland

The Central Telegraph (Queensland), 28.3.15) reports:

‘The Infrastructure, Planning and Natural Resources Committee will investigate what health services are provided in mining communities and the housing quality in FIFO workforce accommodation villages.

‘Leader of the House Stirling Hinchliffe also moved that the committee look at the extent and projected growth in FIFO work practices by region and industry.

‘He said the inquiry should consider the costs, benefits, structural incentives and disincentives, including tax settings, for companies choosing a FIFO workforce.

‘Mr Hinchliffe suggested the committee look at the effect of a 100% non-resident FIFO workforce on established communities – including community wellbeing, housing pricing and availability, and access to services and infrastructure.

‘The amount of time spent travelling, transportation methods and adequacy of compensation paid for commuting travel times will come under the spotlight.

‘Strategies to optimise the FIFO experience and the effectiveness of government responses to FIFO workforce impacts may be considered too.

‘The committee must report back to parliament by September 30 this year.’

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