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Abbott’s attack on ANU’s decision to divest

Abbott’s criticisms of the ANU ‘will come back to bite him’

Professor Carol Adams writes in The Conversation (17.10.14): ‘Tony Abbott’s criticisms of the ANU’s divestment decision will come back to bite him. The tide of change is such that Vice-Chancellor Ian Young and the ANU Council will be seen as leaders. Others will follow.

ANU is not alone in the decision to divest

The Guardian (18.10.14) reports tht climate change activists ‘will aim to give the big banks a $200m bloody nose on Saturday, in the latest round of what has been an increasingly bitter campaign to force the divestment of companies with fossil fuel interests. A “national day of divestment” will see more than 1,000 bank customers switch their accounts away from the “big four” banks: ANZ, Westpac, Commonwealth Bank and NAB.’

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