Australia’s failure to reassess its commitment to coal will have serious negative consequences

Adam Lucas writes in The Conversation (22.10.15):

‘With the recent re-approval of Adani’s Carmichael coal mine in Queensland, debate over the future of coal has reached fever pitch again. Green groups have argued that Australia should account for the climate impacts of burning coal produced in the country. Meanwhile, the government has once again come out in support of coal to provide cheap power to developing nations.

‘It can be hard to make sense of the different sides. In a paper recently published in Energy Research and Social Science, I looked at the long-term future for coal in Australia. My research suggests the current coal woes are just the beginning.

‘Australia’s failure to reassess its commitment to coal will have serious negative consequences, not only for Australia’s economy, but for the health and well being of millions of people and the global environment.’

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