Australia’s vast, majestic northern savannas need more care

Euan Ritchie and Brett Murphy write in The Conversation (26.8.16) about the environmental threats to northern Australia’s savanna landscapes, suggesting how and why these terrains need better protection by state, territory and federal governments.

‘Australia’s Top End, Kimberley and Cape York Peninsula evoke images of vast, awe-inspiring and ancient landscapes. Whether on the hunt for a prized barramundi, admiring some of the oldest rock art in the world. or pursuing a spectacular palm cockatoo along a pristine river, hundreds of thousands of people flock to this region each year. But how are our vast northern landscapes faring environmentally, and what challenges are on the horizon?

‘… A key priority for the Great Northern Savannas should be to maintain people on country. It’s often thought that the solution to reducing environmental impacts is removing people from landscapes, but as people disappear so too does their stewardship and ability to manage and care for the land.’

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