BOM climate report finds 2016 fourth-hottest year on record for Australia

The ABC reports (5.1.17) on findings from the Bureau of Meteorology indicating that 2016 was another record-breaking year for heat, extreme rainfall events and continuing drought conditions.

‘Last year was a year of extreme weather events, wetter than average overall and the fourth-warmest on record for Australia, according to the Bureau of Meteorology’s Annual Climate Statement released today.

‘Climate Information Services assistant director Neil Plummer said 2016 was an “eventful year” with significant climate drivers affecting the country’s weather.

‘Individual states across the country had local weather records broken – 2016 was the warmest year on record for Sydney, recording the most days above 25 degrees Celsius on record, while parts of South Australia recorded its wettest year. For Australia as a whole, annual rainfall was 17 per cent above average.

‘… Australia was also warmer than average, with a national mean temperature 0.87 degrees Celsius above the norm. Sea surface temperatures were the warmest on record, 0.77 degrees Celsius above average.

‘The top end experienced an unusually wet dry season from May to September, while 2016 was the wettest year on record for parts of South Australia.

‘The World Meteorological Organization figures showed 2016 was very likely to have been the warmest year on record for global mean temperatures.’

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