Lenore Taylor suggests in The Guardian (22.1.16) that Clive Palmer ‘has taken the entire political system for a ride.
‘The latest example of how we are all being played for fools is the fact that his Palmer United Party sucked $21m in political donations from his 100% owned Queensland Yabulu nickel refinery before going into administration. The federal government has offered $500,000 to help 237 workers have been sacked but if the company cannot trade out of its problems and goes into liquidation then the rest of the workforce would almost certainly be able to access the federal government’s fair entitlements guarantee program and cost the government millions more. Oh, and he didn’t have to provide a bond for rehabilitating the polluted tailing dams and that could cost the Queensland government many more millions. This equation really doesn’t work out so well for us taxpayers.’
- Let’s just admit it, Clive Palmer is playing us all for fools »
- Clive Palmer pledges 250m for struggling nickel refinery »
- Explainer: why did the High Court rule against Clive Palmer and what does the judgment mean? »
- Unions to highlight Clive Palmer’s track record as an employer in federal election campaign »