Pope Francis has called for urgent action on climate change
‘Pope Francis has called for urgent action to stop climate change and proposed that caring for the environment be added to traditional Christian works of mercy such as feeding the hungry and visiting the sick.’ (Josephine McKenna, The Guardian, 2.9.16.)
China ratifies Paris climate change agreement
China ratified the Paris climate change agreement shortly before the start of the 2016 G20 meeting.
Australia slipping rapidly down the climate change rankings
Australia now worst amongst the G20 nations on climate change.
QUT leads the way, and divests from fossil fuel shares
QUT has decided to divest from its fossil fuel shares according to the ABC (5.9.16), the first Queensland university to do so:
‘Vice-chancellor Professor Peter Coaldrake sent a statement via email on Friday informing staff of the decision to steer investments away from coal, oil, and gas companies.
“We have reviewed QUT’s investments relative to climate risk and instituted changes to the university’s investment strategy,” the statement said.
“QUT is committed to an orderly and considered transition away from investment in fossil fuel companies.”‘
Australia – Pacific pariah on climate change
‘It is widely acknowledged that Pacific island states are at the front line of climate change. It is perhaps less well known that, for a quarter of a century, Australia has attempted to undermine their demands in climate negotiations at the United Nations.