Electricity from coal should be phased out in Australia – Senate report

Michael Slezak reports in The Guardian (29.11.16):

‘A Senate report has recommended that Australia should move completely away from coal-generated electricity, citing economic factors as the primary drivers.

‘It comes about a month after the unplanned closure of Hazelwood, Australia’s dirtiest coal station, and before the expected unplanned closure of several others around the country.

‘With the backing of both the Labor and Green members of the committee, the report called for a comprehensive energy transition plan and the development of a mechanism that would ensure coal-fired power stations close in an orderly fashion and with plenty of warning.

‘It also backs a call from the Australian Council of Trade Unions, which argued in a report this month for an independent “energy transition authority” to manage the transition, ensuring that particular workers and communities are are not unfairly affected by the changes.’

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