‘Godfather of coral’ warns of Great Barrier Reef ‘mass extinction’

Tony Moore reports in the Brisbane Times (6.3.16) about coral scientist, Dr John Veron’s, warnings that the Great Barrier Reef may soon lose masses of coral and marine life species due to the effects of global warming.

‘Barrier Reef coral scientist Dr John ‘Charlie’ Veron has dived on the Great Barrier Reef for 45 years.

‘In those 45 years he has identified 20 per cent of the world’s coral species and earned himself a reputation as the “Godfather of Coral”.

‘Coral reefs support about one-third of all marine species and when barrier reefs begin to decline, the network of marine species collapse.

‘Last week the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Authority warned ofmajor coral bleaching on Lizard Island off Cairns, with future coral bleaching likely in March as shallow ocean waters over the reef stayed warm.

‘”Charlie” Veron says Queensland needs to make a choice because coral bleaching was again becoming crucial .

‘”In my view we are precipitating the conditions for a mass extinction,” Dr Veron said.’

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