‘The Queensland Government will force more councils to remove climate change references from their regional plans, the Moreton Bay Mayor has warned. Deputy Premier Jeff Seeney ordered Moreton Bay Regional Council to remove any assumption about a “theoretical projected sea level rise” from its plan. Mr Seeney said the reference to climate change would have restricted the right of residents to build and develop their properties. Mayor Allan Sutherland said the edict meant his council would be out of step with Brisbane, Sunshine Coast and other councils that had incorporated the same assumption of a 0.8 metre sea level rise by 2100 into their plans. “The Deputy Premier, I believe, will have to instruct those councils to remove it from their plans also,” Cr Sutherland said. “He hasn’t just singled us out, he’s taken to us with a baseball bat because there has been a lot political argument in the Bribie Island area.” (ABC News, 11.12.14)