Great Barrier Reef: report to UNESCO takes note of Queensland’s failure to reform tree-clearing laws

The ABC’s Stephanie Smail reports (28.9.16) on new assessments of state and federal government progress on protecting the Great Barrier Reef from further harmful environmental impacts, as Deputy Premier Jackie Trad outlines Queensland’s actions during meetings with UNESCO representatives in Paris.

‘A progress report on the federal and Queensland government Reef 2050 plan has revealed state Labor’s failure to pass tougher tree-clearing laws is the only promise that has been “significantly delayed”.

‘The Reef 2050 Long-Term Sustainability Plan is a key plank in the governments’ bid to avoid the World Heritage Area being declared “in danger” by UNESCO.

‘The Queensland and Federal governments produced the report on their progress in fulfilling their promises to UNESCO.

‘The report, obtained by the ABC, showed the Queensland Government’s failed laws are listed as “On track/Underway”.

‘But a footnote conceded that “since the reporting period, amendments … failed to pass in the Queensland Parliament. The status of this action will be reflected in future status reports as significantly delayed”.

‘Queensland Environment Minister Steven Miles said that was disappointing.’

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