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Here we Joh again! Leopard Newman removes Queenslanders’ rights to object to mines

Stripping away rights to object to mining projects

In Independent Australia (29.9.14) Stephen Keim and Alex McKean write: ‘By stripping away rights of the community to object to mining projects, Premier Newman has chosen to benefit big mining interests at the expense of traditional National Party supporters, Queensland’s farmers and graziers.’

Silencing objections to mining projects

‘In an 11th hour move the Queensland Government has silenced objections to mining projects across the state giving open slather to Indian coal company Adani to develop the Galilee Basin into one of the largest coal precincts in the world.’ (Lock The Gate Alliance)

Late night changes to mining bill

Chris McGrath writes in The Conversation (22.9.14) that ‘In shades of the Bjelke-Petersen era, Queensland mines minister Andrew Cripps made fundamental changes one minute before the [mining] bill was pass by the Parliament at 11.57pm, just shy of midnight.’

ABC Online 19.10.14

ABC Online report on the fears of residents in the Brisbane Valley about the threat of mining takeovers.

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