Lenore Taylor writes in The Guardian (6.2.15) that: ‘Five years ago the 2010 intergenerational report declared that “climate change is the largest and most significant challenge to Australia’s environment. If climate change is not addressed, the consequences for the economy, water availability and Australia’s unique environment will be severe.”’But the 2015 report has struck a markedly different tone.
‘Under the headline “climate change”, it records the government’s emissions reduction target and the $2.55bn emissions reduction fund that it states “will” meet this goal and “avoid achieving such reduction simply by driving domestic production offshore – a process which would cost Australian jobs for no decrease in global emissions”. …
‘John Connor, chief executive of The Climate Institute, said “when it comes to climate change, this intergenerational report barely addresses challenges for this generation let alone the next. It contains no projections of policy outcomes, no projections of the costs of climate impacts, and no recognition of the need to achieve a net zero emissions economy by mid-century.”’