June 2016 – more dire news from the Great Barrier Reef

Marine ecologist, Justin Marshall, who has been working on the Great Barrier Reef for 30 years, writes in The Guardian (7.6.16):

‘I am today still stunned, often tearful, and ashamed to look my children in the eye. The Great Barrier Reef is undergoing change that means it will never be the same again in my lifetime. It will take decades to regrow.

‘ … The full scale of what is happening hit home for me having returned to the reef a year after working with Sir David Attenborough on the making of his three-part documentary series, Great Barrier Reef. Now many of the places that I had the privilege to show him near Lizard Island and on the outer barrier reef are now only fit for a film crew wanting good examples of a dying or degraded reef. In fact, international film-makers are flocking to the northern reef for exactly that reason. The rest of the world is seeing what our federal government seems unwilling to admit.’

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