The ABC (18.3.15) reports that the Mackay Conservation Group which challenged the federal approval of Adani’s coal mine in the Federal Court in Brisbane in January, as changed its appeal:
‘The group had argued in court in January that Mr Hunt did not take the mine’s potential emissions into account in the approvals process.
‘The Galilee Basin is 247,000 square kilometres in size. The proposed mining projects within the basin have the potential to attract investment of more than $28 billion and could provide 15,000 jobs during construction and more than 13,000 operational jobs.
‘Prices of thermal coal have dropped in recent years from a high of nearly $142 ($US per tonne) in early 2011, to about $62 now.
‘Greenpeace estimates if the Galilee Basin mines are developed to their maximum potential, 705 million tonnes of CO2 would be released each year.
‘MCG coordinator Ellen Roberts said the group’s appeal now said the Minister was aware of Adani’s environmental track record in India but relied on the company’s self-assessment for the project.
‘The $16.5 billion project, west of Moranbah in central Queensland, was given the green light by the Federal Government in July 2014.
‘”Adani has a serious record of environmental violation in India,” Ms Roberts said.
‘”We’ve seen them clear mangroves, interfere with the operation of a tidal creek – and this is all without environmental approvals – so they’ve got … a very recent history in India of not doing the right thing, according to the Indian government.”
‘She said it was the first time the company’s environmental record had been examined in an Australian court.’