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North Stradbroke Island sand mining to end by 2019

Jorge Branco reports in the Brisbane Times (26.5.16) on the state government’s reinstatement of an ‘early’ closure for sand mining operations on North Stradbroke Island, after the previous Newman government had controversially extended the mining company’s lease.

‘Sand mining on Stradbroke Island will effectively cease by the end of 2019 after the Queensland Parliament pushed through legislation repealing another Newman government policy.

‘It’s a return to Labor policy first brought in under former premier Anna Bligh’s tenure but substantially changed when the LNP and Campbell Newman swept to power, extending the allowed period for mining until 2035.

‘Quandamooka elder Bob Anderson praised the Labor government for repealing the changes, delivering on an election commitment.

‘But Queensland Resources Council chief executive Michael Roche slammed the decision, saying it completed a “trifecta of pain” bestowed upon the  state’s resources sector by the government, following the so-called “Clive Palmer” laws and changes to laws controlling landholder objections to mines.’

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